Impressed by the long vistas in old park plans like that of Sacrow Palace, near Potsdam, I consider the retrospective impact of earlier generations' work on present times.
Motivated by the question of whether there are historical documents about garden work in parks, I arrive at the offices for garden monument conservation of the Foundation Prussian Castles and Gardens Berlin-Brandenburg. There, I discover a document that lists the gardening work in the orangery and the pleasure garden of the Palace of Sanssouci month by month. The original was written by court gardener Ludwig Sello in German Kurrent script as a projected budget for his spending in 1834.
I am delighted, as this is exactly what I was looking for: a list of regularly recurring activities over a specific time period.
In the studio, starting out from the transcription of the document, I develop a translation process using the three primary colours red, yellow and blue, whereby I reiterate the text of the document in German Kurrent script in my drawings.
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